If you dare to climb the active but dormant volcano Batur of 1818 meters high at night then at dawn you will be able to enjoy the spectacular view of one of the largest calderas in Southeast Asia, the crater Batur lake and the Rinjani volcano are located on the nearby island of Lombok.
It will be cold at the top of the volcano in the early morning, that's why we advise you to wear sweatshirts or jackets. Trekking will be easier if you wear comfortable shoes, because the trip will take not less than two hours.
While you are enjoying the fantastic, constantly changing view of the sunrise, the tour guide will cook breakfast for you.
For numerous years the residents of Bali have believed that Gods live on mountain peaks and that's why they bring them offerings before entering their territory. It is believed that there are more chances that Gods will hear your prayers and grant your wishes there. So, make your wish there wisely.
The driver will pick you up at the hotel after midnight and will take you straight to the volcano. The guide will give you trekking sticks and flashlights. The trekking will take about 2 hours. You will reach the top right on time for the dawn!